Children's Ministry

Our children’s ministry exists to come alongside of parents in instilling in their children a knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Each Sunday the children are taught a section from the Bible with pictures and a memory verse to make the lesson understandable and memorable at their level. There is also a craft time after the lesson for the kiddos.

The class is designed for children ages 4-10, but younger children who are able to sit and participate are welcome. Parents who wish to sit in with their kids are welcome to do so, as a new environment can be a little intimidating for kids. Children 10+ are encouraged to join the adults to hear the preaching of the Word of God in the worship service.


Each Bible lesson and craft are taken from Generations of Grace, which is a Bible-based, unified curriculum for children ages 3-12 published by Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. Our teachers diligently prepare the lessons in a PowerPoint format weeks in advance under the oversight of our elders to ensure that the children are being taught the Word of God accurately and at their level. We make the lessons available for download, so parents can know what the children are being taught each week and use the material to reinforce biblical lessons at home.