Arthur Kwun | Deacon
Arthur was born in the United States in 1984 to Korean immigrants. Shortly after beginning higher education at UC Berkeley in 2002, Arthur heard the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ from Pastor John Shim and other members from Eastbay Baptist Church of Berkeley (EBCB). After hearing the bad news of judgment reserved for unrepentant sinners and the good news of forgiveness offered to those who come to faith in Christ, Arthur struggled between the urge to reconcile with God versus the reality of his life and relationships requiring an upheaval of philosophy and direction. After spending a few following months wrestling with Scripture, facing the reality of unrepentance before God, and becoming more and more amazed and humbled by God's mercy to him at the cost of His own Son, Arthur came to faith in Christ in the fall of 2002.
Arthur has served as a deacon at FCC since October 2018. He holds a B.S in Mechanical Engineering from U.C. Berkeley and works in the consumer electronics industry. Arthur and his wife Sara have been married since 2009 and currently have three children. Arthur enjoys spending time with his wife and children, building LEGO with his son, and playing tennis, electric bass, and video games. Arthur's passion is to faithfully serve God and glorify Him in all things, especially through the edification of others and in enabling them to serve God more effectively.