Henry Sim | Deacon
Henry is a Bay Area native. He was born in San Francisco, CA, and has lived with his family in the East Bay Area since he was 7. As a child, he grew up in a non-religious household (with influences of Filial piety, Buddhism, and superstition), and came to value “the American dream”, the opportunity for worldly prosperity, an increased social status, and enjoyment of leisure.
He was first exposed to the truth of the Bible before he entered high school, went to church occasionally, and at times read sections of the bible, but did not fully understand the gospel, nor live a life consistent with a Christian’s proclamation of Christ as Lord and Savior. At this point, Christianity was nothing more than morality, and church was nothing more than a social arena to him.
It was in Berkeley that Henry ended up in a church where God’s word was boldly and accurately proclaimed, with believers who truly loved and worshiped God (in daily worship with Jesus), active in evangelism, striving to live lives consistent with the calling to which Christians have been called. He realized the folly of living for this world, striving after worldly pleasures, and the surpassing value of knowing Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Since becoming a believer, he’s always had a strong desire to be expended for God’s kingdom work, and has served where there were needs, as he has been able: from leading small groups, to trailering A/V equipment and setting up/breaking down, to driving college students in a yellow passenger bus.
Having a desire for the people in the Silicon Valley to live their lives for Jesus, Henry has been a member of FCC since its planting in 2009, and has served as a deacon since 2013.
He has been married to his wife Lena since 2012, and they have together been blessed with 3 children. His other interests include photography and home/pro audio.