Philippians 4:15-23

Paul continues to give attention to the Philippians' generosity in these verses (4:10-20) and points out: 1) their uniqueness (in supporting him), 2) their reward (from God) and 3) God's provision (to meet their needs). Paul then concludes his letter with final words of greeting and one last prayer (4:21-23).

Philippians 4:1-5

A heavenly mindset is the way to stand firm in the Lord (4:1). This is how Paul wraps up the previous section. If anyone desires to have a greater stability in the Lord, he must turn his gaze upward! Paul then adds instructions regarding sundry items. The first three are: 1) harmony, 2) joy, and 3) gentleness.

Philippians 3:17-21

Previously, Paul alluded to his own pursuit of Christ-likeness. Now he very directly calls the church to follow his example and that of others who live the same way. We are to imitate and keep our eyes on such examples. He gives us two reasons why: 1) many live for this world (their influence can drag us down!), and 2) our citizenship is in heaven (our hope is there, not on earth!).

Philippians 3:12-16

In these verses, Paul transitions from the language of economics to that of arduous effort. Previously, he compared values: the base value of his prior life as a Jew and a Pharisee and the surpassing value of Christ. Paul's focus now shifts to hard work. Using language like "pressing on" and "reaching forward," he shows us that valuing Christ should practically translate into earnest effort toward Christ-likeness. And he intends this mindset for all believers.