Matthew 13:1-23, Hearing God's word with a right heart

Jesus told a story to teach about His teaching and how people respond to His teaching. This was a parable about the parable. Jesus explained that not everyone understands the word of God, those who are given an explanation are greatly privileged. Moreover, those who have a heart to perceive its significance and value are the most blessed. There are many who neither understand nor appreciate the truth of God’s word.

Matthew 12:1-21, Jesus defends the weak

Jesus defends the weak. There are two examples of this: Jesus’ defense of His disciples and Jesus’ healing of the sick man in the synagogue. In each situation, Jesus spoke up to rebuke those who were trying to oppress or abuse the weak. Jesus would not put up with those who would crush people like that. He loved the weak and stuck up for them.

Matthew 8:1-17, Jesus is the willing healer

Jesus is the willing healer. Matthew shows us that Jesus fulfilled the Messianic prophecy that the Savior will heal our diseases. He does this with three examples of healing. Jesus truly has the power to heal. He performed these healings to show us that He is the Savior and that the kingdom of heaven rid of sickness and disease is coming for those who repent and trust in Him.