Online Sunday Service


In keeping with the shelter-in-place order for all the Bay Area counties around our church, our Sunday Services have moved entirely online until further notice.

When and How do I join?

Our service will run from 1:45PM to 3:30PM. Please join via the button below:

Order of Service

  1. Greeting Time

  2. Prelude

  3. Call to Worship

  4. Worship in Praise

  5. Prayer

  6. Welcome and Announcements

  7. Worship in Expository Preaching

  8. Postlude & Personal Reflection

  9. Doxology

Sheet Music & Bulletin

Please refer to the sheet music for our time of worship in praise


In our bulletin you will find the passage that will be covered, announcements, as well as additional information about our church.

Please note that we will upload the latest PDFs the morning of each online Sunday service.

Some Notes

  1. Greeting Time: We will begin our Sundays officially at 1:45pm to have a greeting time of sorts. During this time, some of our members will share encouragements, prayer requests, praises and updates with the rest of the church body.

  2. Video: We ask everyone to keep their webcams on for the entirety of the greeting time and the service so that our worship service can better approximate a real gathering. We want to gather, as Scripture calls us to, to encourage one another (Heb. 10:25). Video helps in this. All of us can see each other on video, and our gathering becomes more a gathering together, where we sing together (video only--read below on "mute") and listen to the preaching of the Word together. Also, we encourage you to plan to be in frame the entire time. This allows us to experience the service together as a church body. We can worship our Lord together in all aspects of worship even though we cannot be in the same worship hall together.

  3. Mute: Please be ready to go on mute during certain times. We ask that during times of singing and the preaching of the Word, everyone mute their mics so as to remove distractions and allow everyone else to hear effectively. With internet latency, singing together with the mic on will result in a delayed audio feed of others singing. This can be a major distraction to singing, so we'll keep our mics off at that time. In terms of the sermon hour, some have shared that it is difficult to hear with the ambient noise of children ("signs of life" is what Pastor Dan calls it--praise God that we have lots of signs of life at our church!). Again, to retain a high audio quality for everyone, let's keep the mics off during that time also.

Children’s Ministry

During these special circumstances, children’s ministry will be cancelled until we are able to physically meet again for Sunday service. However you will find pre-recorded lessons for you to go through with your children.

Video Quality Issues?

If you are noticing video quality issues, here are some suggestions:

  • Ensure your internet connection has sufficient bandwidth and is stable.

  • Ensure that other devices are not accessing the internet/using a lot of bandwidth simultaneously

  • Minimize movement in the background. The more motion that is in your shot, the more data has to be processed/transferred potentially resulting in choppier video.

  • Go into video settings and un-check "Enable HD."


If you have any questions please contact us via our contact page.