Outdoor Sunday Service (Social Distanced)


In keeping with the shelter-in-place order for all the Bay Area counties around our church, our Sunday Service is being held outdoors until further notice.

When and How do I join?

Our service will run from 11:00AM to 12:30PM. As our location may change from week-to-week, please contact us if you would like to join.

You can also join online - click the button below to join our zoom meeting.

Order of Service

  1. Prelude

  2. Call to Worship

  3. Worship in Praise

  4. Prayer

  5. Welcome and Announcements

  6. Worship in Expository Preaching

  7. Postlude & Personal Reflection

  8. Doxology

Sheet Music & Bulletin

Please refer to the sheet music for our time of worship in praise


In our bulletin you will find the passage that will be covered, announcements, as well as additional information about our church.

Please note that we will upload the latest PDFs the morning of each Sunday service.

Some Notes

Health: We ask that only those who are healthy join us for worship. If you are not feeling well, please stay home for the sake of others who will be gathering. We will have symptom screening at the Sign-in table where our deacons will take each person's temperature with a touch-free infrared thermometer.

Sign-in table: When you arrive at our meeting area at the park, please check in at the Sign-in table. You will be registered (required by law).

PPE: Please have a mask or a face shield on at all times to stave off any spread of the virus. We have medical grade masks for those who prefer it, as well as face shields (both in limited supply). Please ask for them at the sign-in table.

Setup: Each household will be seated “picnic style” on the grass under a shaded area. We will designate the location of each picnic area so that we can properly maintain a social distance between each household (at least 6ft apart). Feel free to bring your own blankets and chairs and come early enough to set up before our service start time at 11:00.

Miscellaneous: There will be no live CM instruction at the park, but lessons will continue to be posted. There will be no refreshments.

Children’s Ministry

During these special circumstances, children’s ministry will be cancelled until we are able to meet again in our facility for Sunday service. However you will find pre-recorded lessons for you to go through with your children.


If you have any questions please contact us via our contact page.