Sometimes people who once walked with the Lord fall away. Surprisingly, we see an example of this even among the Lord’s disciples. But Jesus is unfazed by His defectors. Even when it comes to the disciples who remain with Him, the Lord reveals that His confidence is in the sovereign plan of God, because salvation is the demonstration of the sovereign power of God.
John 6:59-71 The Bread of Life [Part 4]
Many of the Lord’s disciples grumbled at His claim to be the Son of God from heaven. As the Lord explains, some of these were unbelievers, and they would not believe even if they were to see Him ascend back into heaven. Unbelief is man’s deplorable condition because he is spiritually dead. But the Spirit regenerates those whom the Father has chosen, so that they believe and enter into life.
John 6:53-58 The Bread of Life [Part 3]
Jesus explains five more truths about those who are saved.: 1) the saved have a spiritual life, literally, from conversion to eternity; 2) the saved will physically rise from the dead; 3) the saved are spiritually satisfied in Christ; 4) the saved are yielded to Christ; and 5) the saved depend on Christ for their spiritual life.
John 6:52-58 The Bread of Life [Part 2]
Jesus is the Son of God incarnate from heaven. The Lord continues to affirm this with the metaphor of eating (faith) and bread (Himself). He who has eternal life believes in Jesus, who is truly human, flesh and blood, the incarnation of the Son of God from heaven. Eternal life is a gift to all who trust and believe in this person of Jesus Christ.
John 6:48-51 The Bread of Life
The Lord employs the metaphor of eating and living to powerfully portray what salvation is. Saving faith is to take in the words of Christ and let Him and His authority abide inside of us. And salvation is the undying and forever living fellowship with the holy God that is only possible through the forgiveness of sins through Christ’s death on the cross.
John 6:44-47 The Sign of the Bread [Part 6]
The Father is sovereign in salvation, and the Lord appeals to Scripture to bolster this truth. Moreover, whether it is the future or the current, the Lord will fully carry out His role in the Father’s plan. He will raise the elect on the last day, and He will stay constant in His current duty to proclaim salvation to the lost, i.e., to believe in Him enduringly.
John 6:41-44 The Sign of Bread [Part 5]
What an amazing person is the Lord Jesus Christ, who never misapplied the sovereignty of the Father but always fully obeyed His commands. Even while people were grumbling (about Him!), our Lord is unfazed and He stays focused on what God is sovereignly accomplishing. May the Spirit of our God conform us evermore to Jesus’ wonderful and wondrous likeness.