John 9:39-41, Spiritual Blindness

In the first half of this sermon, Pastor Dan exhorts us to be true worshippers. What are we to do if our hearts are cold and apathetic? We listen to the wisdom of Christ who taught us that we work on our hearts by working on our actions. In John 9:39, we see that Christ came into the world to bring a clarifying binary separation between two clear cut spiritual categories: the blind vs. the sighted, the worshipper of Christ vs. the non-worshipper, the one who trusts Christ vs. the one who distrusts Christ. The Lord also came to bring about a binary effect as well: the opening of spiritual eyes and the blinding of spiritual eyes.

John 9:26-38, Jesus is the Holy God

Jesus is the holy God. As the interrogation of the blind man continues, Jesus’ innocence is found to be unassailable and thus the healed man defends His holy character. Jesus is no sinner. As the one whose healing has been enabled by the power of God (not Satan or his demonic spirits), as the man whose prayers are answered, Jesus is rightly perceived as the holy man of God who has been sent from God. In this study, we give attention to the holy character of Jesus in this two part series on Jesus as the holy God.

John 9:8-25, A Witness in the midst of Skeptics

Skeptics surround the man who was healed of his blindness. They question his identity, they question the healing, and they question the character of the Lord who healed him. But the man stands his ground and continues to testify of the truth. In this study, we examine the four tactics of skeptics, the ABCD of Skepticism: Alternate Narrative, Bogus Authority, Character Assassination, and Denial of Facts. May the Lord evermore strengthen our testimony before the skeptics around us to stand firm upon the undeniable truth of God.

John 9:1-7, The Anatomy of the Savior

Our Savior is Jesus, the Messiah, the God who sees (His eyes). He takes note of our plight and He takes action. He is also the Savior who speaks (His mouth). He speaks the truth and leads us to know God’s purposes and calls us to participate in calling sinners to repentance and faith. He is also the Savior who works (with His hands). He literally gets His hands dirty to bring sight to the blind beggar and to tip the first domino that’ll lead this man to a saving faith. Let’s learn of the Savior’s eyes, mouth and hands and learn from Him how we are to live a life that conforms to Him.

John 8:56-59, The Eternality of Christ

The Jews deny Jesus’ claims repeatedly. In response, the Lord clarifies who He truly is, not who He makes Himself out to be (v. 53). Jesus’ response is a stunning statement of the eternal God, who transcends over time, who has entered His world to rescue those who would trust in Him and become His disciples. Christ is the God of eternity. He calls us to trust in Him by following Him and keeping His word. We can find security in the precarious fallen world in which we live.