John 10:28-30, Jesus' Guarantee of Eternal Security

Jesus, the good shepherd, guarantees eternal security to His people, to His sheep. This comes to them as an eternal gift, with the promise of no condemnation and no separation, underwritten by the singular and supreme power of the triune God. If we belong to Christ, we have nothing to fear but to live courageously by faith in the Lord who has secured for us eternal salvation.

John 10:19-27, Sheep that Belong to Christ

How does a person know that he/she belongs to Christ? How can we know with certainty that we are saved? Jesus answers this question in this passage of John. Jesus speaks pointedly about the character of His sheep, those who belong to Him who possess eternal life (v. 28). Jesus first contrasts these with those who refuse to trust Christ (vv. 25-26) and then positively speaks of His sheep as those who hear His voice, whom He knows, who follow Him (v. 27).

John 10:11-18, Jesus our Self-Sacrificing Shepherd

Jesus is our self-sacrificing shepherd whose motive for self-sacrifice is care and friendship toward His people and the commission He received from the Father. And according to that command of God, Jesus lays down His life (crucifixion) for the sheep so that He may take it up again (resurrection). He is our living Savior who is able to impart life and lead His people as their living and loyal shepherd. He is risen, He is risen indeed!

John 9:39-41, Spiritual Blindness

In the first half of this sermon, Pastor Dan exhorts us to be true worshippers. What are we to do if our hearts are cold and apathetic? We listen to the wisdom of Christ who taught us that we work on our hearts by working on our actions. In John 9:39, we see that Christ came into the world to bring a clarifying binary separation between two clear cut spiritual categories: the blind vs. the sighted, the worshipper of Christ vs. the non-worshipper, the one who trusts Christ vs. the one who distrusts Christ. The Lord also came to bring about a binary effect as well: the opening of spiritual eyes and the blinding of spiritual eyes.