Proverbs 27:1-2, Men of Wisdom

There is a need for a counter measure against our culture regarding the important topic of biblical manhood and biblical womanhood. In this series of studies from Proverbs 27, we look at what it means to be men of wisdom biblically. Biblical wisdom is what Christ possessed and this is the pathway to wisdom for our men and boys growing up to be men one day. May the Lord mold and shape into men who are first and foremost humble men.

John 11:36-40, Unbelief Grieves God (Part 2)

Unbelief is a chameleon. It takes on a different color at different times. In this scene at Bethany, we find the Jews expressing their distrust in the Lord with suspicion, questioning whether Jesus loved Lazarus at all. Jesus is grieved again at the sight of this unbelief. When Jesus gives the command for the tomb to be opened, Martha protests His command. She goes down in history as the woman who refused the Lord because of a smell. May the Lord keep us from such forms of unbelief, whether suspicion or excuses against His commands. Our sovereign God is fully capable of addressing all our concerns when He gives His good commands.

John 11:27-35, Unbelief Grieves God

Unbelief grieves the heart of God. In today’s passage, the grieved heart of God is seen in the incarnate Son of God upon whose face this grief is put on display through His nostrils and in His eyes. May the Lord help us to see the great evil of unbelief and grant to us a heart to embrace all that He’s given to us in the Scriptures and live as people of faith.

John 11:17-26, Believe in Me

In the midst of great mourning and disappointment, the Lord speaks words of great hope. But this hope is available only to those who believe in Him. In this portion of the gospel of John, we catch another facet of true faith in Christ, that Christ is everything to the believer. May the Lord draw us to find our soul’s full satisfaction in Him alone, even to the very end of life when we will desperately need Jesus as the resurrection and the life.

John 11:5-16, Trust the God of Providence (Part 2)

God knows where He’s headed and he knows how to get there. And this God of all wisdom is working all things after the counsel of His will to bring about His perfect effects to ultimately bring glory unto Himself through His Son. We trust God because He has a purpose and He has a plan. Furthermore, He calls us to participate in His will revealed in Scirpture. May the Spirit of our God strengthen us to trust in the God of providence so that we would walk after the example of our Lord, the incarnate Son of God, who was the epitome of perfect human trust in God.

John 11:1-4, Trust the God of Providence

John 11 is a demonstration of God’s providence. What is providence? Providence is God’s wise orchestration of all things (both good and evil) to achieve His good and eternal purpose. We often see the parts, but not the whole. But the whole is precisely what God sees. He is causing all things to work together for the good which aligns with His good and eternal purpose. This is what the Lord sees with the sickness of Lazarus. May the Lord grant us His perspective to trust in the God of providence.