Revelation comes from the triune God who reveals the future return of Christ in blazing glory. This is John’s introduction to the riveting book of prophecy. Jesus is coming again bodily and visibly for all to see. The revelation of His return and all the events surrounding His return are given by the triune God. Christ is revealed in blazing glory with which He will come again.
Genesis 50:15-20, Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
Joseph’s declaration in Gen. 50:20 reveals the breathtaking reality of concurrence. At the same time that men intend evil with their action, God intends good with that very action. The intentions reveal to us the two well-established and irrefutable doctrines of sovereignty and human responsibility. These two doctrines hold true to the farther extent of creation, including the fall of Satan, his presence in Eden, and the fall of man. All that has transpired perfectly accords with the eternal purpose of God. History is indeed the unfolding of the plan of God.
John 17:22-26, For Love and Glory (Part-2)
Jesus prays regarding two kinds of glory. He speaks of glory in the present age for His people’s sanctification. God’s elect grow in conformity to Him as they behold His glory in Christ. Jesus also prays for future glory, that His people behold His full, divine, eternal glory in heaven. We are to behold the glory of God now for our sanctification and the glory of God in the future for our glorification.
John 17:22-26, For Love and Glory
Jesus concludes His prayer with love and glory. Love is the focus of this sermon. The Lord prays that we would come to experientially know (taste) of the Father’s special love. This is the special love of the Father like His love toward His only begotten Son. Like that love, the Father loved His elect from eternity past and “in love predestined us to adoption as sons.” This is the love which Jesus wants us to savor. May the Holy Spirit reveal to us more and more of this awesome love of God.
John 17:20-23, Salvation Blessing for the World
Jesus’ prayer reflects the heart of God that seeks salvation blessing for the world. Jesus sees the church as the vehicle by which the elect of God worldwide will come to faith in Him unto salvation. In this first installment on a two part sermon, we explore the facets of the church, our mission, our godliness, and the special love of God toward the elect (next sermon).
John 17:14-19, A Dangerous Mission
Jesus’ prayer for His disciples is undergirded by the reality of a dangerous mission. He knows we will be hated by the world and targeted by the Devil. As such, we will need divine protection. Hence, He prays, “Keep them from the evil one.” Moreover, we will need to live holy lives if we are to make any meaningful impact for the gospel that reconciles and restored sinners to the holy and righteous Father. Our own lives would have to be sanctified in order for us to be useful to the Lord in leading the rest of His elect to this salvation. Therefore, the Lord prays, “Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.” The word of God that has regenerated us is the same word that will sanctify our lives. May the Holy Spirit through His word evermore conform us to Christ that we would be like Him on earth and make disciples for His honor and glory.
John 17:9-13, For the Joy of God's Elect
Jesus’ first petition for His disciples is found in these verses. Jesus prays that the Father would keep them in His name. Jesus prays for a special people, His disciples and He does so because He was about to physically leave His disciples. What He would no longer be able to do in His physical absence, He asks the Father to accomplish. May the Lord grant to us a greater work of His Spirit to draw us to walk in Jesus’ ways and thus live with His joy evermore in our hearts.
John 17:6-8, Two Realities of Salvation
Jesus describes the salvation of His disciples from two perspectives, one from heaven and the other from earth. In heaven, salvation was the product of the intratrinitarian transaction between the Father and the Son. On earth salvation was the product of divine revelation through the word of God and the hearty response of faith on the part of believers. The heavenly realities evoke worship, humility, and thanksgiving. The earthly realities compel us to take seriously every word of our Lord Jesus Christ and act upon them by faith.