God Raises Moses to lead Israel (Exodus 3:1–4:31)

After leaving Egypt and starting a new life and starting a family in Midian, Moses encountered God.  God appeared to him in a burning bush, a very special place that God told Moses to remove his shoes!  There, God gave Moses a job – to lead His people out of Egypt from the oppression of Pharaoh.  But Moses didn’t want this job.  He made several excuses to God including God’s people wouldn’t believe him that God sent him to lead His people out of Egypt.  Every time, God responded to him.  But every time, Moses made another excuse.  God even gave Moses 3 ways to show His people that God really did send him.  Those 3 ways all showed the power of God: turn snake into staff, heal his hand disease, and turn water into blood.  Even then, Moses another excuse!  Moses last excuse was that he was not a good speaker  Yet, God was patient with Moses.  God used Aaron (his brother) to speak to the people of Israel for him.  Finally, Moses obeyed God, did what God said, and the people of Israel believed Moses – that God really did send him to lead them out of Egypt.