God promises to bless or curse Israel (Deuteronomy 28:1-68)

Moses has been speaking to the Israelites and reminding and instructing them to obey God’s commandments.  Here, Moses talks about what happens if they obey God’s commandments vs. disobeying God’s commandments.  If Israel obeys God, God will bless them in many ways: through their children, by providing lots of fruits/vegetables and farm animals to eat, by providing protecting and victory over their enemies, by providing enough essentials so that they don’t have to borrow from others.  On the other hand, if Israel disobeys God, God will curse them in many ways.  All of those blessings will become the opposite and be curses: through their children, not providing fruits/vegetables and farm animals to eat, not providing protection and allowing enemies defeat them, not providing enough essentials such that they need to borrow from others, and even more curses!  Ultimately, obeying God results in blessings from God and leads to Israel’s happiness and life, whereas disobeying God results in curses from God and leads to Israel’s sadness and death.