God is glorified by protecting Judah (2 Kings 18:1–19:37)

Hezekiah becomes king of Judah, with no other king like him before or after because he clung to the Lord. During his reign, Sennacherib, the king of Assyria attacked Judah and threatened Jerusalem with a large army. Sennacherib doesn’t know God and speaks without honoring God. He tries to scare the people so that they would doubt the Lord then compares the Lord’s power to the false gods and idols of other nations. Hezekiah quickly humbles himself and turns to God. After Sennacherib threatens him again, Hezekiah goes again to the Lord and prays from his heart for God to save them. God answers and defends Jerusalem by sending an angel to destroy 185,000 Assyrians overnight. Jerusalem is saved!