Israel Rejects God's Plan (Numbers 13:1-14:45)

Moses sends a group of spies to see the land that the LORD has promised to Abraham and Israel. When the spies return, the initial report is good – that the land is flowing with milk and honey. But, some of the men begin to spread worry and doubt about whether they can overcome the people within the land. Israel responds by grumbling and seeking their own leader to return back to Egypt. However, two of the spies, Caleb and Joshua, call the people to trust in God’s promise. In rebellion, the Israelites turn to stone them but the LORD intervenes, expressing His displeasure in the people’s lack of faith. Moses prays for their pardon, which God grants; nonetheless, the God’s punishment also follows. Commanded to head out to the wilderness, to spend 40 years before dying without ever seeing the promised land, the people decide to try and take the land on their own. They are swiftly defeated, for the LORD was not with them.