God forgives David for his sin (2 Samuel 11:1-12:25)

David commits a really bad sin.  He broke the marriage between Bathsheba and Uriah by doing something really sinful.  What’s even worse is that he tried to hide this sin by planning to kill Uriah.  David might have thought that he was successful at this and nothing saw his true sin.  But that’s not true.  God sees the hearts of all men.  God sees all sin.  God saw David’s sin.  So, God sends Nathan, the prophet, to confront David of his sin through the telling of a parable.  By God’s doing and working in David’s heart, David confesses his sin.  And God shows mercy on David by not taking his life for this really bad and evil sin.  But God is holy and must judge David for his sin.  And God judges by taking the innocent life of a baby, David’s 1st son.  But God still keeps His promise to David in keeping the line of kings of Israel through David’s family.  And we can see this when David’s 2nd son is born.  His name is Solomon, who will be the next king of Israel and also be the one who builds the house for God.