Colossians 2:6-7

Our Responsibility (6): Paul does his part, even in his absence, to labor for the saints' stability in their faith in Christ (1:24-2:5). He now points out their responsibility ("therefore") with the imperative: "walk in Him." The Colossians are believers who already embraced "Christ Jesus the Lord."[1] But now, they must match their profession with their conduct,[2] and honor Christ as the Lord. One cannot claim Jesus as the Lord and avoid its implications to real life.[3] Hence, Paul, here on out, addresses specific issues (relevant to his audience) where Christ's pre-eminence and His supreme authority must make a real difference.[4] Jesus cannot be the Lord in intellect or in theory only. A high view of Christ must transform our beliefs and our lifestyle and our church life.

Pictures (7): Believers with a high Christology are then pictured as a tree that is firmly rooted, poised for fruitfulness. There is an expectation of a changed life. Paul also adds an architectural picture. Like a building under active construction, Christ's greatness should actively take shape in their lives.[5] All of this should mean growth toward a stronger[6] faith in Christ. Finally, those who live out this knowledge of Christ overflow with gratitude. Christ's lordship isn't a drag to them. As His glad subjects, their lips resound with thanksgiving!

[1] The verb "receive" is pa-ra-lam-ba- (παραλαμβάνω) is often used to describe the reception of the gospel (1 Cor. 15:1; Gal. 1:9; 1 Thess. 2:13). Here, Paul points out the reception of Christ as "the Lord."

[2] "Walk" is a common metaphor for conduct (cf. 1:10; 3:7; Eph. 4:1, 17; 5:2, 8, 15; cf. also Psalm 1:1; 15:2; 86:11; 119:1). The particular tense used here is imperfective, hence, "walk in Him" depicts a continual action.

[3] Paul has hinted at this already in this book in 1:10 ("worthy of the Lord, to please Him"), 1:13 ("kingdom of His beloved Son"), 1:16 ("created through Him and for Him") and 1:18 ("head of the body, the church").

[4] Paul then (2:8-23) addresses the various areas in which they must practically make Christ Lord: philosophy and empty deception, observation of days, worship of angels, self-made religion, etc.

[5] "Built up" is a continual build (imperfective). "In Him" points to Christ as the Lord, as in "walk in Him" (2:6).

[6] "Established [be-bai-o-ō (βεβαιόω)]" is to be continually (imperfective) strengthened (cf. Heb. 13:9).