1 Peter 2:4-5

Christ-likeness (4): We grow into the likeness of our Lord as we drink of the pure milk of the Word (2:2) and continually draw near to Him.[1] As we do so, we become “living stones” even as He is the “living stone,” all fitted and stacked together, with Christ as the “corner stone” (2:6-7),[2] to become the spiritual house for the worship of God. In conformity to Christ, we are suited to be a part of this spiritual house of God. This is God’s purpose in the present age: to build His church (Eph. 2:22; 4:11-16; 5:25-27) for His glory (4:11).

Building Blocks (5): We ourselves are the building blocks of the place of worship. As a Spartan king said of his army, “These are the walls of Sparta, every man a brick,” so God’s building blocks for His church are souls that are “born again” (1:3), “redeemed” (1:18), nourished by His Word (2:2), and conformed to His Son (2:5). We ourselves are the worship center of God! Moreover, we are His “holy priesthood.”[3] All of us engage in offering to God all that is pleasing to Him,[4] our spiritual sacrifices of holy living, deeds of faith, prayer and praises, and loving service to others.[5] We were saved for this purpose, to serve Him[6] in the present age as the people of God through His church (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 2:10; 5:10, 15-17).

[1] Cf. Matt. 11:28-30; John 6:35, 37, 44-45; 7:37. To come to Him is still the call of Christ to today (Rev. 22:17), and the outcome of this nearness to Christ is that we conform to His likeness (2 Cor. 3:18).

[2] Peter’s confession Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God is the foundation of this edifice (Matt. 16:18).

[3] Peter changes metaphors from building stones to the priesthood who serve in the house of worship. Peter piles up metaphors to help us see that we ourselves are what make up the church of God. Yes, the church is people. Christ shines in this world through His church: men, women and children who emanate His likeness.

[4] This is the sense of offering spiritual sacrifices. Unlike OT, the sacrifices God has commanded in this age for His church are not animal sacrifices, but love, service and Christ-like holy character.

[5] Cf. Rom. 6:13, 19; 12:1; 14:17-19; 15:6, 9-11. Cf. also 1 Pet. 2:9; 4:8-11.

[6] Compare to Luke 18:7; Acts 20:31; 1 Thess. 2:9; 3:10 2 Thess. 3:8; 1 Tim. 5:5; 2 Tim. 1:3.