1 Peter 5:1-4

Elders: Much depends on the prudence and fidelity of leadership in a time of persecution. Such a time of suffering demands committed shepherds to guide the flock. Thus, Peter exhorts the elders to be faithful in their care for God’s people. He speaks as their equal, as an elder himself, who knows first-hand all its challenges.[1] He also speaks as a witness of the sufferings of Christ. Jesus truly suffered for His people (2:24), and He calls all to pick up their cross and follow Him. Elders are to lead the charge in sharing in His sufferings (4:13).[2]

Shepherding: Like the Good Shepherd, elders are to care for their flock even in times of danger. Instead of fleeing like a hireling, they are to remain with their sheep and watch over “the flock of God among you.”[3] They are to do this with willingness, not merely out of duty, but with a voluntary spirit. They are also to seek the good of the flock, and not their own interests (“not for sordid gain”). Moreover, they are to imitate the character of God in Christ in their shepherding care.[4] They are to enthusiastically give of their time and energy. True shepherds eagerly corral, pasture, strengthen, mend, and defend their flock. Lastly, they shepherd the church by example. They lead (not drive) their sheep. They exemplify endurance, integrity, and consistency even in the face of persecution. What’s their ultimate motivation? Their love for the Chief Shepherd. They seek His reward and long to hear Him say, “Well done!”

[1] Peter was given a charge to shepherd the Lord’s sheep himself (John 21:15-17)

[2] This is the Christian’s lot in life (4:13; John 15:19-20; Rom. 8:17; 2 Cor. 4:16-17; Phil. 3:10; Rev. 1:9).

[3] The character of the Good Shepherd is seen in Jesus’ own self depiction in John 10:12-13.

[4] God is repeatedly depicted as Shepherd over His people (Ps. 23:1; 28:9; 80:1; Eccl. 12:11; Is. 10:11; Ez. 34:12). He has promised to send the Messiah who is the one true shepherd of Israel (Is. 40:11; Jere. 23:1-5; Ez. 34:23), who manifests His shepherd’s heart. This is Jesus Christ (2:25; Matt. 9:36; John 10:10-11).