1 John 4:17-21

Confidence: John brings up “the day of judgment” as a reality that we must all face. The Bible teaches us that “it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment” (Heb. 9:27). This judgment does not have to terrify or worry us. John tells us there is a way we can face that day with confidence and without fear. He’s already told us the reality of the Savior who propitiated God’s wrath for our sins (4:10), Jesus whom the Father sent to be our Savior (4:14-15). Propitiation means God’s wrath is satisfied. The Savior guarantees deliverance from God’s wrath (Rom. 5:9). This is a well-established doctrine of Scripture which John also echoes. Jesus is the only way to confidence on Judgment Day. But how can we know that we belong to Him (John 10:14-15), that our names are in His book of life (Rev. 21:27), and that His death is good for us? John’s answer is this sign of genuine faith: God’s love perfected in us.

Perfected Love: John has already spoken of the necessity of Christian love in our lives. The insignia of being born of God and knowing God is that we love one another (4:7). Love for the brethren is the proof that a person is truly a child of God. This love is the sure indication that we are abiding in God and He in us (4:16). The love of God demonstrated in the gospel moves and energizes us to love one another. John calls this perfected love.[1] It is perfected in that it has reached the goal for which God loved us in the gospel, viz., that we love one another (4:11, 19). As children resemble their parents, so the love of God is the conspicuous mark of those born of God. God’s love is seen in our love for His people. This assures us that we are God’s children (Rom. 5:5; 8:14-16).


[1] Love for one another is God’s love perfected in us (4:12). This is likeness to Christ (comp. 2:5-6 to 4:17). Even as Jesus reflected the Father’s love toward His people, so we reflect God’s love for His people.