Numbers 11-25, Rebellion and Unbelief

Rebellion: Behind the thin veneer of obedience was a heart of rebellion. From greed and grumbling (11:4) to racism and dispute about Moses’ role (12:1-2), to distrust and defection at Kadesh (14:2-4), to presumptuousness of Korah (16:3), to immorality and idolatry (25:1), this generation left a colossal blot in the history of Israel.[1] Like a black spot on a perfectly white canvas, their dark rebellion was set against the bright backdrop of the provision and guidance of God. He fed them daily with food from heaven (Ex. 16:35). He continually guided them with the pillar of cloud and fire (Ex. 13:22). Despite all His signs (14:22), this most privileged and informed people neither trusted God nor kept His word, all because they were spiritually dead (Eph. 2:1-2). They would not believe and obey until God changed their hearts (Dt. 30:6).

Unbelief: When the children of Israel heard the report of the spies, they chose the words of unbelief rather than the words of faith. They trusted in specious human assessment (14:31, 33) rather than the reliable promise of God.[2] Their imaginations then ran amuck. They charged the LORD with intent to murder and planned to get rid of the leaders (14:10), appoint new ones, and return to Egypt (14:3). This is how the depraved unbelieving heart works. It sets aside God’s truth and plays out falsehood. Rebellion is ignited by unbelief[3] and stoked by false imaginations.[4] This is how Israel failed the test of faith in the wilderness (Deut. 8:2). But in all that Israel failed, our Savior triumphed (Matt. 4:1-10), who alone can save us and guide us in the paths of righteousness.

[1] This sin of Israel is cited repeatedly. Cf. Dt. 1:34-37; Neh. 9:17; Ps. 95:7b-11; Ezek. 20:10-16; 1 Cor. 10:5-6.

[2] God promised them the land of Canaan (Gen. 12:7; 15:18-21; Ex. 3:8; 6:8; 23:30-33).

[3] Unbelief was God’s assessment (14:11). Moses also says it was distrust in the LORD (Deut. 1:32; cf. Ps. 78:22).

[4] They imagined that they will be killed by the sword and their children will be plunder (14:3).