Rev. 11:15-13:18, Resist the Devil

War: Satan fights against the saints. In the spiritual realm, he accuses (12:10) and makes war against them (12:17). In the physical realm, he advances his nefarious purposes through the antichrist (13:1-10) and the false prophet (13:11-18). He gives them his authority and power (13:2, 12) over the world (13:3, 7-8, 14) so that they enlist all the nations to fight against the saints.[1] Christian persecution triggered the trumpet judgments (6:10) and it now reaches its zenith with the activity of these two agents, ushering in the bowl judgments (15:7-8) and the fall of Babylon (19:1-3). Even though the tribulation is still in the future, Satan is not dormant today. He actively schemes to ruin souls (Eph. 6:11; 2 Cor. 2:11; 1 Pet. 5:8). Be sober minded and resist him.

Resist: Scripture calls us to resist the Devil (James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:9) whose mind and machinations revealed in Revelation show us what we are up against. He is a deceiver (12:9) who captivates the nations with conniving miracles (13:14). Like him, his minions appear in sheep’s clothing—not as a dragon—to lead unsuspecting souls astray.[2] He is also a usurper, a pseudo-Messiah who desires the throne of God (2 Thess. 2:4). All who seek their own glory and ego walk in his footsteps (Is. 14:13-14; Ezek. 28:2). Finally, he is a master tempter. As in the wilderness and the garden, so he uses benign and neutral lures like bread and fruit. With these, he exposes men’s true loyalty. Sinners choose to pledge allegiance to the beast than to trust in God for sustenance (13:17). May our eyes be open to see his bread and fruit for what they really are, deadly explosives. Hold fast to Jesus who alone guides us safely through this minefield.

[1] This is only implicit in Rev. 12 and 13. It is made more explicit in 14:8 where the wine signifies the blood of the saints (17:6). Babylon is the HQ for the antichrist’s persecution operation that enlists the entire world.

[2] For disguise, cf. 13:11; Matt. 7:15; 2 Cor. 11:14. For leading astray, cf. 13:14; Deut. 13:1-5; Matt. 24:24.