Our Conduct Perceives Eternity


#198 – “Across The Lands”


We recited 1 Peter 1:1-17 as a whole and reviewed propositional truths that were covered in previous weeks.


1 Peter 1:17

Our conduct perceives eternity.

  • “During the time of your stay on earth.” This is talking about a temporary stay, similar in idea to visiting a foreign land on a trip or vacation. We are sojourners; we are not to settle down, but are merely passing through this world as non-permanent residents (1 Peter 1:1; 2:11).

  • Earth is not our permanent home. We should have a mentality that we are on “temporary missionary visa.” We are not of this world (John 15:18-19).

  • What can we do to encourage one another to keep our focus on eternity?

    • Don’t stumble others by overly focusing or praising on the temporal pleasures of this world.

    • Encourage one another with the reality of Christ’s imminent coming.

    • Comfort one another with the hope of our resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4).

    • Remind each other that this world and all it contains is passing away; nothing in this world will last forever.

    • Confess our sins to one another. We will all be judged by God, so encourage one another to “be holy, for God is holy.”

  • What is the conduct of someone who perceives eternity?

    • Evaluates every facet of life, because God sees everything.

    • Is busy about the Lord’s work.

    • Lives to worship God and praise Him.

    • Fights sin.

    • Demonstrates holiness, being set apart from this world for God.

    • Makes disciples of others unto God.

    • Utilizes skills and time for God’s glory.

1 Peter 1:18-19

We are redeemed from a futile way of life.

  • Redemption speaks of being freed from bondage to something with a payment. We should have been judged by God for our sins, but we have been redeemed through the precious blood of Christ.

  • A futile life (literally, “conduct” a. la. v. 17) is not merely pointless, but more than that, in God’s eyes it is sinful and unfruitful. Ephesians 4:17-19 paints a picture of such a futile and sinful life.

  • Examples of futile and godless philosophies of life that we can “inherit from our forefathers”:

    • “Get a good job and make a lot of money.”

    • “Make a great name for yourself and earn the respect from others.”

    • “Church is important, but don’t get too into it - these other priorities in life are more important for you at this time”

    • “Take care of yourself and your family, and don’t get too involved in others’ business.”

    • “Health is the most important thing.”