Amazing Grace (first verse only)
We began our time together by reading through 1 Peter 2:13-17.
1 Peter 2:13-14
Mandate: We are commanded to submit ourselves to the government.
To submit is to order yourself under the authority above you. In this instance, we must submit ourselves to the government.
What is the authority as defined in a democracy like in the United States?
The written law (i.e. the Constitution)
Elected/appointed officials: president, congress, supreme court justices
For Christians, we submit to the law as long as it does not violate the law of God
Wide scope: We must submit to every level of human institution.
"Human institution" points to the fact that governments are created by men.
Although governing authorities are instituted as human creations, we are still commanded to submit to them.
Those who are appointed to power (by God) do not have a blank check (e.g., pre-17th century “divine right of kings” of the British crown), as though God had given them the right to a totalitarian rule. He did not.
Purpose: By God's design, human government serves the purpose of upholding justice.
Governors are sent “through him [the king].” They are the instrument of the ultimate sender (who is God) who sent them through His intermediary (the king). God is the ultimate authority behind governing authorities (cf. Romans 13:4).
Motivation: We submit to governing authorities for the Lord's sake.
The Lord is the one who is behind the governing authorities. Scripture explicitly describes governing authorities as an instrument of God.
Cf. Daniel 2:20-21, 4:31-32, Isaiah 40:23-24, Jeremiah 27:6, John 19:10-11.
Knowing that God is in control of governing authorities, we take comfort in and have confidence in submitting accordingly to governing institutions.
Benefit: Those who do right are praised by the government.
Is there ever a situation in which Christians can exercise civil disobedience? Are there biblical grounds?
Yes. Consider the following passages.
Exodus 1:17, Hebrews 11:23 - midwives did not kill
Daniel 3 - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego did not bow down to the golden image or serve Nebuchadnezzar's gods, although it was decreed as law. The same goes for Daniel praying against Darius’ decree (Daniel 5).
Acts 4-5, the disciples are commanded not to preach Christ. But, Christians obey God rather than men (Acts 4:29).
When is civil disobedience right for the Christian?
If what God says contradicts human authority, then we civilly disobey in submitting to God as a higher authority.
Is a revolution ever right?
If a government is subverting God's righteousness (the reason for which they exist: to uphold justice and punish evil), there is a biblical precedent for attempting to alter laws and even overthrow a corrupt governmental if God has given a unique leverage of power/influence.
Cf. Esther 4:13-17
This is not the role/purpose of the church.
This assumes true injustice on the part of the government.
This assumes the possession of real leverage consisting of real power/influence given by God’s providence.
This is a precedent, not a mandate. We recognize God’s sovereignty to accomplish His purposes with or without our involvement, even as Mordacai did (“if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place“).
We discussed the protests in Hong Kong in light of this in light of this.
We also discussed the legitimacy of the American revolutionary war in light of this.