John 13:36-14:1, Comfort in Times of Trouble

Have your dreams ever been shattered? Or, have you ever felt that your situation was outside of your control? This is precisely what Jesus’ disciples faced in this scene in the Upper Room. Jesus’ impending departure from them (13:33) meant shattered dreams. But it was also a loss of control. Simon Peter tried to offer his own life to take control of the situation, but Jesus assures him that that could not be. This was troubling for them all. The shattered dreams and the loss of control weighed heavily upon their hearts. But Jesus is fully aware of their disappointments and sorrows. He, therefore, comforts them with the only assurance that we can hold onto in the midst of trouble: Trust in God. That God is sovereign, that He loves them, and that He is all-wise to orchestrate all things for their eternal good, this is the God-ordained comfort for His suffering people. Jesus also shows us that the object of our faith must be the only true God who has revealed Himself in His Son. We are to place our trust in the Jesus kind of God, the triune God, whose character and glory we see in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the secret to comfort in times of trouble. Trust in the only true God whom we know in Christ.