1 Thess. 5:8-10, The Wrath of God

The wrath of God is what marks the final seven year period of Daniel 9, also known as the tribulation period. This understanding provides the perspective by which we can understand where the Gentile church fits into the plan and the timeline of God in Daniel 9. God’s wrath is meant for His enemies, not His own people. This is confirmed in Revelation 7 where God seals the Jewish remnant to be protected from the onslaught of His judgments during the tribulation period. God also takes up His church to be removed from the world during this period. The church is removed from the earth before the final 70th heptad. The church belongs to the gap between the 69th and the 70th heptads of Daniel 9. All this means the rapture of the church and the commencement of the day of the Lord are imminent. They can occur anytime. The proper response to this news from 1 Thess. 5:8 is this: Be sober. May the Lord evermore wise us up to be sober-minded, always living in the reality of Jesus’ soon return for rapture.