1 Peter

1 Peter 3:1-6, Traits of a Woman of God

Against the tide of the world today, the word of God speaks the truth about His design for women in marriage. His special calling for married women is submission and inner beauty. Wives are to submit to their husbands and adorn themselves with the inner beauty of godliness. May the Holy Spirit encourage the women of our church to pursue biblical womanhood as they learn from Christ and abide in Him.

1 Pet. 1:14-19, Five Motivations for Holy Living

Peter gives us a strong encouragement toward Christian holiness which is marked by separation from sin, imitation to God and permeation of this reality in every aspect of our lives. Peter points out in this passage five motivations for holy living: filiation (we are new covenant children of God who obey the Lord from a changed heart), extinction (our former life should never be brought into the present), revelation (this duty of the people of God has been written down by God in Scripture), evaluation (God evaluates our lives with objective and impartial judgment), and calculation (Christ paid the infinite price of ransom for our redemption). May the Lord help us to have the wisdom of the Word of God to daily pursue a life of holiness.

1 Peter 4:7-11, Eschatological Ministry [Part 3]

In this final installment on walking with the Lord, we examine Peter’s last imperative regarding ministry. Those who faithfully anticipate the coming of the Lord live their lives as stewards of the manifold grace of God. Our lives are not our own. All that God has graciously given us is meant to be used to bring Him glory. May our great and gracious God be glorified through all that He’s given us as we leverage them for His service.

1 Peter 4:7-11, Eschatological Ministry [Part 2]

Peter exhorts us to eschatological living by exercising fervent (“stretching”) love toward one another. He gives us one pivotal example of hospitality: share our home with others. He then directs our attention to what God has graciously entrusted us so that we would leverage it to serve one another. We are stewards of God’s gracious gift, not owners of it.

1 Peter 4:7-11, Eschatological Ministry [Part 1]

Christ is coming and will usher in the end of this age. How shall we prepare for His imminent return? Peter gives us a fourfold answer: pray, love, share and serve. In this first installment of our study of 1 Peter 4:7-11, we examine the first two imperatives to pray and love. We are to maintain our spiritual senses sharp (“be of a sound mind” and “be sober”) for the purpose of prayer, and we are to exercise a love that goes beyond what is merely human and natural, a “stretching love” that cares for those from a different background but brethren nonetheless, and a forgiving love that overlooks offenses and exhibits graciousness that we all need and want from others.