1 Timothy

1 Timothy 4:6-11, Men of Discipline

Godliness is the need of the hour for the church of God. How does the Holy Spirit work godliness in His church, especially, among the fathers of our church? He does so through the means of self-discipline. In this passage, Paul identifies this trustworthy principle of Scripture that godliness is the product of discipline. Godliness does not plop down from heaven onto our laps. It is the product of spiritual discipline and exertion. In this Father’s Day sermon, we examine Paul’s exhortation to Timothy meant for the church that we would be a people of discipline. We must be men of discipline. Men bless their homes to the extent that they grow in godliness and thus become a conduit of divine blessing upon their wives and children.

1 Timothy 3:8-13 Biblical Deacons [Part 4]

Deacons likewise must be men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain, but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. These men must also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach. Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things. Deacons must be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households. For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

1 Timothy 3:8-13

1 Timothy 3:8-13 Biblical Deacons [Part 3]

Deacons likewise must be men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain, but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. These men must also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach. Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things. Deacons must be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households. For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

1 Timothy 3:8-13

1 Timothy 3:8-13 Biblical Deacons [Part 2]

Deacons likewise must be men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain, but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. These men must also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach. Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things. Deacons must be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households. For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

1 Timothy 3:8-13