
Daniel 9:27, The Kingdom of God (Part 8): the Destruction of the Antichrist

God is powerful to end all evil in the world. The end of Satan is sealed with the destruction of his greatest and the vilest brainchild on earth, the Antichrist. With the demise of the Antichrist, we are assured all the more that our God has a definite power over the Devil and that he will not prevail over our God. This encourages us to pray, for God is more than able to do that which Satan opposes, to open blind eyes and soften hardened hearts. May the Lord evermore strengthen and empower us to depend on the almighty who vanquished the Devil and his minions. With this in mind, we delve into the final verse of this chapter which reveals the final heptad of years in the timeline of God for the history of the world for this age.

Daniel 9:25-26, The Kingdom of God (Part 7): Messianic Events

God’s timeline precisely pinpoints the time of the presentation of the Messiah as the King (“prince” is just another word for king). This is then followed by His death and other events, including the destruction of Jerusalem. The timeline of the sovereign God is simply amazing. May God persuade every heart to be humbled before His truth, and may they repent, embrace Jesus as the only Savior and Lord, be delivered from their sins, and enter into life eternal in the kingdom of God.

Daniel 9:24, The Kingdom of God (Part 6): Divine Timeline

God has a plan with a timeline. In this breathtaking prophecy, we see the rich backdrop against which the seventy-sevens are to be understood as years that mark out a very particular timeline for the Jewish remnants and the rationale for this timeline that stretches Daniel’s expectation of restoration from seventy years since captivity to four hundred ninety years. What the new timeline accomplishes is the full restoration of the people of God with the completion of judgment, true repentance, atonement for sin, everlasting righteousness, and the millennial temple. This is the God whom we worship and serve, the God of wisdom and order who has a plan and a timeline. He is the reason for the security that we enjoy no matter the circumstances in this life.

Daniel 9:1-23, The Kingdom of God (Part 5): Prayer

Prayer is God’s ordained means of bringing His will to pass on earth. Daniel perceives this from his study of the Bible and earnestly prays with confession and repentance. Prayer is still the means by which God accomplishes His purposes in the world today. May the Lord build us up to be a church of prayer. In this sermon, we also cover the five features of the Antichrist that found in Daniel 8.

Daniel 7:1-14, The Kingdom of God (Part 3): the Antichrist

Daniel receives a second vision which expands on the first vision regarding the kingdoms of the world and the climactic conclusion with the indestructable and eternal kingdom of God. Several new elements are unveiled in this vision, including the prophecies regarding the antichrist. His final judgment is also revealed, in which the LORD, the righteous Judge, will recompense him for his deeds according to the books. The only Lawgiver and Judge will deal with every last sinner according to His perfect and uncompromised justice.

Daniel 2:31-45, The Kingdom of God (Part 2): the Four Kingdoms and the Stone

The sovereign God has revealed His plan for the four kingdoms of the world to precede the arrival of the final kingdom of God. Starting with the Neo-Babylonian empire, Daniel reveals the plan of God for human history which concludes with the indestructible and everlasting kingdom of the Messiah, who is the stone cut out without hands, which puts an end to all the kingdoms of the world. We are living in the final kingdom stage. May the Lord evermore encourage our hearts to look ahead to the coming of Christ and His glorious kingdom!

Daniel 2:1-28, The Kingdom of God: an Introduction

This new series of study will focus on the coming kingdom of God as declared in the book of Daniel. The conclusion of history is revealed in Daniel progressively through multiple visions, giving us an ever sharper insight into the end times. In this introductory study, we consider the relevance of the kingdom of God and the proper perspective regarding biblical prophecy: God not only reveals the final chapter of history, but He acts to bring it to pass, because all of history is the plan of the sovereign God who orchestrates all things to accomplish His good will and purpose.