
Matthew 11:28-30, 28:18-20, Hear and Follow (Part 3)

Christ is not only the way to God as God, He is the provider/giver and He is the authority over all. In this third installment of studies in discipleship, we examine these two additional passages. Christ provides man with the knowledge of God, rest for the soul and a better yoke/burden. Furthermore, Christ’s authority is universal and its aim on earth is obedience. May the Lord help us to daily walk with Him and be an infectious influence to those around us.

John 14:6, Hear and Follow (Part 2)

In this sermon, we launch our study of 10 sayings of Christ. The first of these is John 14:6, where we hear in Jesus’ own words that He is divine way to God, the divine truth and the divine life. Furthermore, Jesus claims that He is the only way to God, and there is no other way to God. This is what Jesus has to say about Himself. Faith in Him is the exclusive way to knowing God (John 14:7-11) and to an eternity in heaven (John 14:1-5).

Matthew 11:28-30, Hear and Follow

Christ wants disciples from among all the nations. How can we participate in advancing this purpose of Christ? In this series, we explore how we can be better equipped to help others to hear and follow Christ. For anyone who is willing to learn, whether they are a new believer, professing believer, or even someone who may be undecided, everyone must hear in order for them to follow the Lord. May the Lord enable us to be a church full of faithful disciples who know how to lead others to a pattern of life that hears and follows Christ.