
John 8:19-30, The Consequences of Denying the Truth

Only fools say no to the Savior. They overlook the dire consequences to refusing Christ and denying His truth. As Jesus points out in this conversation with the Pharisees, denying the truth of Christ is to forfeit the knowledge of God, entrance into heaven and the Savior who alone can save them from their sins. We must never refuse Christ but wholly embrace Him. Always say yes to Christ.

Rom. 3:10-18, The Gospel (Part 2)

How has man responded to the good and holy God? The bible’s answer is sin. Even though God had only done him good, man turned his back on God and distrusted and disobeyed Him. How did the first man sin against God? How does man sin against God today? How pervasive is in among mankind? These are the questions addressed in this next study of the gospel message. Praise God that He did not respond to man in kind but sent the Savior!

2 Tim. 3:14-17, The Gospel

2 Tim. 3:15 explains that Scripture is able to give wisdom unto salvation through faith in Christ. The good news (“the gospel”) of Jesus Christ is the wisdom found in Scripture which every sinner must believe in order to be saved. In this first installment on the gospel, we answer biblically the first two foundational questions regarding God. “Who created the world?” and “What is God’s character like?” This is the first of four part series on the gospel questions and answers (catechism).