
Isaiah 8:11-20, Stand Firm (Part 2)

We must stand firm on the word of God. The temptation to become like the world in what we say, what we fear, and what we hear are immense. The LORD speaks to Isaiah, the believers of his generation, and to us, to take this matter seriously and to not waver in our commitment and faithfulness to the word of God. The Holy Spirit’s aid is available to all who would humbly hear, believe, and abide in His truth. May the Lord heighten our spiritual alertness this year to stand up and stand firm on the word of God and be the influence we ought to be in this dark and dying world.

Isaiah 8:11-20, Stand Firm (Part 1)

The LORD knew that Isaiah would face the temptation to conform to the unbelieving world around him. Therefore, He spoke to exhort and admonish the prophet to resist conformity and to stand firm on the revelation He had given him. There is a wonderful lesson for us as we embark upon the New Year. We, too, must resist conformity to the world and remain faithful and steadfast in our commitment to the word of God. Stand firm on the word of God is the encouragement that we find in verses 11-15 and 19-20.

Isaiah 8:11-20, Stand Up

God made Isaiah and his sons into a witness for Him. They along with their God-given unique and prophetic names became the living testimony of the veracity of God’s word. Whom has God ordained to be the witnesses for His word in this day and age? This is the question we ponder in our study of Isaiah 8. May the Lord raise up a people to hold up and give testimony to His word for our generation.

Isaiah 9:1-7, Immanuel Has Come

God came down to earth in the person of Jesus. This is the stupendous message of Christmas according to Isaiah. This is the human ruler who is the Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Eternal Father, and the Prince of Peace, who comes to deal with the root problem of all our ills at His first coming, then comes again in the future to bring about the fullness of salvation at His second coming.

Isaiah 7:1-25, The Promise of Immanuel

in this three-week Christmas series, we will study the rich prophecy of Immanuel found in Isaiah chapters 7 through 9. In this first installment, we examine the promise of Immanuel given to king Ahaz and to the Jewish people, during a time of impending invasion by the joint forces of Aram and Israel. The king of Judah in this scene stubbornly maintains a disposition of unbelief. Therefore, LORD confronts him of this unbelief with a double sign, one for the immediate deliverance from these two enemies and another for the ultimate deliverance from sin and judgment through the virgin born Immanuel. The God who is able (both omnipotent and omniscient) to deliver us from all our ills calls us to repent and believe in Him. There is a breathtaking deliverance for the soul for all who believe and repent.

Isaiah 55:1-9, Seek the LORD

While many today do not wish to seek the LORD, it is indeed man’s supreme priority and chief end in life. We are creatures created by the Creator for His own good pleasure and will, and our greatest ambition in this life is to know the LORD who made us who has redeemed us through His beloved Son, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Holy Spirit wise us up to seek Him earnestly, listen to Him, repent from sin and toward the LORD, and delight our souls abundantly in Him and in His blessings toward us in Christ.