Jesus is the fulfillment of the law of God. Whether it is the laws of purification (L11-15), the laws on worship (L17), the laws of sexual purity (L18), the laws of civility (L19), or the laws of appointed times (L23), Jesus is the exemplary keeper of God’s laws. He lived by God’s timeline. He loved neighbor as Himself. He maintained purity of body, heart, and mind. He worshipped and served the LORD God and Him only. By these shadows of the attributes of Christ the Old Testament pointed us to our awesome Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Leviticus 8-16, Holiness (Part 2)
In addition to holiness in worship with the sacrifice system, God required His people to maintain holiness in purity with the laws of purification and the holiness of leadership (consecration of priests and the day of atonement). Jesus is indeed the substance of the laws of purification and all that the high priest was meant to symbolize.
Leviticus 1-7, Holiness (Part 1)
God’s presence among His people required holiness on the part of God’s people. This meant first and foremost proper sacrifices to make atonement sin and propitiate the wrath of God. All of this looked ahead to Jesus Christ and the fury of God that His death would one day satisfy in the place of sinners. Leviticus was God’s picture book for the precious sacrifice of Jesus and its outcome, reconciliation and peace with God. The LORD is the divine artist who has drawn for us a colorful portrait of Christ in the OT sacrifice system.