
Luke 1:46-56, The Excellencies of our God

As Mary considered the meaning of the coming of Christ, she exploded with a joyful psalm of praise, even a prophetic anticipation of the future blessing for the people of God. Her focus in this song was the magnificence of the Lord. She saw in the coming of Christ the power of God, the mercy of God, and the faithfulness of God. Though she had only heard of the promises and had seen no evidence of her supernatural pregnancy, she believed. And because she believed, she, therefore, also rejoiced. We rejoice this day because we, too, believe. May the Lord fill our hearts with wonder and joy as we by faith meditate on His glorious attributes which shine with unparalleled brilliance in the coming of Jesus His incarnate Son.

Luke 6:27-28 Conflicts in the Church [Part 4]

“Love your enemies” is our 8th biblical mandate regarding conflicts. We are to respond to those who wrong us, not with a counterattack, but with love, with the intent to bless them and to do them good. Number 9 is “Do not let the sun go down on your anger,” where we are to deal with the cause of our anger. May the Lord help us to respond to conflicts His way.