
Psalm 32:1-11 The Joy of Forgiveness

Psalm 32 tells us of the joy of forgiveness and restoration. David tells us of this joy through his personal testimony. When he was in the mire of his misery, he confessed to the LORD, and He abundantly forgave. But the LORD did more than this. He brought the forgiven man under His tutelage and directs him to the live in His ways. There is forgiveness for the sinner who repents. The Lord is ever ready to recieve and restore the repentant sinner.

Psalm 67:1-7, Let the Nations Be Glad

God has a purpose for His world and a role for His people to play. His purpose is worldwide salvation and our role is to pray and leverage all God’s given us to advance His purpose of salvation. God does not wish for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9). God has a heart for the lost and teaches His people to reflect His heart. This is a psalm that teaches us to pray down blessings from heaven for the purpose of reaching the lost. May the Lord wise us up not to squander our lives and our resources, but leverage all He’s given us to advance His glorious cause in His world.

Psalm 100, Thankful, Thoughtful, Cheerful Worship (Part 3)

Cheerful worship is what our glorious God is worthy of. And this is what He calls for. He seeks worshippers who know to shout joyfully and serve gladly and come before Him with joyful singing. May the Lord grant us the wisdom to nurture our hearts to always be ready to engage with Him in worship with hearts cleansed of sin, minds saturated with His truth and with hearts overflowing with gratitude.

Psalm 100, Thankful, Thoughtful, Cheerful Worship

God is worthy of the most excellent kind of worship. In Psalm 100 we find a universal summons for all the earth to bring to God this most elevated and acceptable worship to Yahweh, our Maker, Sustainer and Redeemer. In this first study in Psalm 100, we look at the grounds for gratitude in worship, namely, creation, care and the cross. May the Lord purge any tinge of unbelief from our hearts and by His Holy Spirit enable us to be true worshippers who evermore come to Him with thankful hearts.

Psalm 16:1-11, The Divine Joys of a Right Personal Relationship with God (Part 2)

There is no joy apart from God. In this second installment on our studies on divine joys, we again see the joys of God expressed in Psalm 16 and the right personal relationship with God that is the foundation of those joys. I experience divine joys when God is my refuge, my Lord, my treasure, my counselor and my Savior. May the Lord evermore mature us to be like Christ who Himself knew these joys to their fullness!

Psalm 16:1-11, The Divine Joys of a Right Personal Relationship with God

A right personal relationship with God emanates divine joys. In Psalm 16, we hear of a man who knew such joys. in this two week series, we will consider the vital truth in this text: I experience divine joys when God is my Refuge, my Lord, my Treasure, my Counsel and my Savior. May our joy meter read “full” as we rightly and personally relate to the Lord as we ought to and as He deserves.

Psalm 130, Depend on Grace

As we look ahead to the new year, let’s steer away from the common worldly attitude of self-dependence, self-sufficiency, and self-confidence and instead look humbly and with faith to the Lord for His grace. The psalmist in this precious psalm shows us how OT saints looked ahead to the Lord with faith and humility for His redemption promise to be fulfilled. May we also be men, women and children who drink richly from God’s grace each day by trust in Him and in His word with humble dependence. In His word do we also hope!