Christ rose from the dead and is alive now! In His resurrection, we have great hope. Humans die because we have sinned against God: “the wages of sin is death.” But if we hold fast the gospel of Christ, we have confident assurance that our sins are paid for and that we will rise (like Christ) unto eternal life in glory. Praise the Lord!
Genesis 1:24-25 Our Creator God [Part 10]
God claims authorship over land creatures and He groups them into three simple categories of the cattle (domesticated), the creepers (low to the ground) and the beasts of the earth (wild). What purpose did these creatures serve? As the rest of the Bible reveals, God had a supreme purpose to illustrate His eternal redemption in Christ with these creatures.
Genesis 1:20-23 Our Creator God [Part 9]
Genesis 1:14-19 Our Creator God [Part 8]
Genesis 1:14-19 Our Creator God [Part 7]
God’s spoken words on day three are at odds with Darwinian evolution. God directly called for the kinds to come out of the ground. What’s more? God made the world fully mature with the appearance of age! As for day four, God illuminated the earth with the sun, moon and stars. With the two great lights, He made the canonical day cycle visible on the earth.
Genesis 1:9-13 Our Creator God [Part 6]
Where does human language come from? Who populated its vocabulary? God sets the pattern for human language in the naming of the first five features of the world and then He creates man with the full capacity for language. God also creates vegetation from the ground and each after its own kind for the nourishment of His creatures.
Genesis 1:6-9 Our Creator God [Part 5]
The sky, land and seas have all been created by our creator God. What we experience every day didn’t come into existence out of billions of years of random chance, but by the logical and intelligent design of the creator God. Genesis 1 continues to amaze us with truths that the God of the Bible is the creator of the universe and the earth and all that they contain.