Jesus performed astounding miracles. The Father gave the signs as His seal that Jesus is truly His Son. In the historical setting of John 6, the Lord not only fed the 5K but He also walked on water. These scientifically unexplainable miracles show that Jesus is truly who He claimed to be. And if He be God the Son, then what must we do in response? Take heed to His Word, turn away from sin and follow Him as He has called us to.
John 6:1-15 The Sign of Bread
Jesus fed the 5,000, but those who ate failed to see what this signified: Jesus is the Son of God from heaven. Sadly, to them, He was just a means to an end—a way to get what they wanted. But the Lord would not succumb to this. He is God the Son, the One we are to worship, follow and trust, and He gives to His people that which He deems best: eternal life.
John 5:41-47 The Pathology of Unbelief [Part 4]
Do you love God? Whose message do you listen to? Where have you placed your hope? These are the final issues the Lord brings up as He helps His audience see the hardness of their own hearts. These are sanctifying warnings for believers. They are also evangelistic tools to help unbelievers rightly perceive their own standing before God.
John 5:41 The Pathology of Unbelief [Part 3]
The love of men’s praise/recognition can turn into a deep spiritual problem. For the Pharisees, this was THE issue that kept them from believing in the Lord. One cannot live for the glory of men and also have Christ. As one former Pharisee said of his past: “I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ”
John 5:37b-40 The Pathology of Unbelief [Part 2]
The main point of Scripture is Christ. He is the central figure whom God predicted would come as the Savior of the world, who did come and whose return we now eagerly anticipate. Knowing Scripture in and of itself does not save. God’s message to man is that we embrace, love, honor and trust in His Son and be saved through Him.
John 5:31-37 The Pathology of Unbelief [Part 1]
Christ came into this world to save sinners. Even with the aggressive and antagonistic Pharisees who want Him dead, Christ demonstrates this heart of God. He exposes their unbelief—the callousness of their hearts to divine testimony—SO THAT they might be saved. May the Lord evermore mold our hearts to be like His.
Genesis 1:28 - 2:4 Our Creator God [Part 12]
Day six of creation ends with God’s blessing upon man and provision of food for all creatures. All that God made was indeed “very good”! As day seven approaches, God continues to be the center of this account. This is the day when God completed His creative work and reached a definite end. Down to the very end, God of the Bible claims authorship over all things, even down to the seven day week for which there is no natural parallel.
Genesis 1:26-27 Our Creator God [Part 11]
Man is unique. God makes this abundantly clear in His creation of the first man. He made him in His likeness and as a ruler. Much of this has been marred due to the fall, but in Christ we gain the likeness to God in His communicable attributes and we will reign with Him forever. We were also specially created for the unique oneness of marriage.