Our loving heavenly Father has revealed to us how we are to respond to conflicts His way. In this third installment, we gain the wisdom of the next four biblical mandates regarding this matter: 4) we hope in God’s justice, 5) we pursue sanctification (to be more like our Savior), 6) we suffer quietly, and 7) we do not sin with our words.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Conflicts in the Church [Part 2]
God wants us to trust Him and to respond to conflicts His way. In this second installment on conflicts in the church, we look at the implications of upholding the principles of righteousness in 1 Cor. 6 and 1 Tim. 5. Additionally, we dive into the third biblical mandate regarding government: the church is subjugated under this entity which God has established for punishing evil-doers.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Conflicts in the Church
The joyful community of God’s people can sometimes be pained by conflicts among its people. How should we respond in times like these? We look at the first two of ten biblical mandates for how we are to respond to conflicts in the church. May the Lord help us to see conflicts through His eyes and respond in a way that glorifies and honors Him.
John 6:70-71 The Bread of Life [Part 8]
The Lord’s remark about Judas reveals two final truths. #1 Sin is Satanic. As the rest of Scripture reveals, those who live in sin are children of the Devil. This is the way the Lord saw Judas in his sin long before Satan enters him. May God help us see sin the same way! #2 God is sovereign. His will cannot be thwarted. Judas was never saved, and the Lord never loses those who are His. Our salvation is secure because God is all poweful.
John 6:70-71 The Bread of Life [Part 7]
As the Lord speaks of his one fake disciple, Judas, he uses the word Devil to describe him. What does the Lord believe about the Devil? What is he? Is he a metaphor, a caricature, a make-believe character, or is he a real being? In this excursus on demonology, we see what Jesus and the whole Bible says about the Devil, and what this means for us today.
John 6:70-71 The Bread of Life [Part 6]
John gives us a historical account of the life of Christ and this includes the description of His betrayer, Judas Iscariot. He is “the son of Simon Iscariot.” John shows us that Judas was a real historical person. He is the real human being who betrayed another real human being (the God-man Jesus Christ). We take an excursus in this sermon to bolster the fact that Scripture records historical truth and what this means for our lives.
John 6:66-71 The Bread of Life [Part 5]
Sometimes people who once walked with the Lord fall away. Surprisingly, we see an example of this even among the Lord’s disciples. But Jesus is unfazed by His defectors. Even when it comes to the disciples who remain with Him, the Lord reveals that His confidence is in the sovereign plan of God, because salvation is the demonstration of the sovereign power of God.
John 6:59-71 The Bread of Life [Part 4]
Many of the Lord’s disciples grumbled at His claim to be the Son of God from heaven. As the Lord explains, some of these were unbelievers, and they would not believe even if they were to see Him ascend back into heaven. Unbelief is man’s deplorable condition because he is spiritually dead. But the Spirit regenerates those whom the Father has chosen, so that they believe and enter into life.