Jesus trusted in His heavenly Father. Thus, He would never patronize God by subjecting Him to a test to confirm His trustworthiness. God is faithful and true and He is the very essence of such attributes. While we may reasonably test countless other things that are uncertain, we do not test the One who Himself is the plumb line of faithfulness and truth. We learn from Jesus that we are not to test God, but instead, we are to trust in Him with all our heart.
Matthew 4:1-4, The will of God for Man: Live Biblically
Matthew 28:18-20, The Commands of Christ
The purpose of Christ for us is that we be disciples and make disciples. This entails that we know and remember the commands of Christ that we may live by them. This sermon marks the starting point of a season of rigorous Scripture memorization and recitation in our community groups. May we all live as faithful disciples of Christ who are also capable disciple makers for Christ.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Love And Remember
The Shema is the passage we turn to to encourage the Fathers on this Father’s Day. There is only one God who is the triune God, who has been revealed to us in the Son of God incarnate. And the Lord’s calling on our lives is that we love Him, the triune God, with all of all that we are, heart, soul, and might. This love for the Lord is to be expressed in our willing obedience to Him which entails that we remember and keep His word. May the Lord so strengthen the men of our church to be the spiritual leaders who will impact the next generation for His glory and honor.
John 13:21-30, Sin, Satan, and Sovereignty
Judas’ demise comes by way of sin, Satan’s possession, and the sovereignty of God that rules over all things, even sin and Satan. In this study, we begin to examine the sin of Judas and a hearty warning for us to take heed to the Lord’s words against greed and never harden our hearts in unrepentance.
John 13:18-20, Jesus Is Trustworthy
Jesus is trustworthy. In this passage on Judas’ impending betrayal, the Lord Jesus shows Himself to be the gleaming spiritual leader who can be trusted. He is faithful in His character, He is attentive in His care for His people, and He demonstrates a breadth of wisdom that convinces us that we can and must trust in Him. May we behold His glory from yet another dimension from His Word that we might trust in Him all the more and be conformed to His likeness.
Exodus 34:6-8, Our Gloriously Good God
1 Samuel 2:1-11, God Is Our Fortress (Part 3)
The woman who seems to have nothing speaks as if she has everything. What’s her secret? How does this woman exude such confidence and hope? She knows the LORD and she trusts in Him. Her impressive knowledge of God is the subject of this study. Her theology is robust and she heartily worships the true God and anchors her hope in His promise of the Messiah. True men of God and women of God pray to Him, submit to Him, worship Him and hope in Him.