Jesus debunks the lie of Satan that God is of an ugly character and that He cannot be trusted. Contrary to the deception of Satan, Jesus shows that the Father should be loved and obeyed. He demonstrates with His own life the loveliness of God. May the Lord build up His people to love God truly and obey Him willingly because we trust in Him even as Jesus trusted in Him.
John 14:25-31, The Peace of Christ
Jesus makes provisions for His disciples. Among four that He mentions in this last section of John 14, Jesus points out His provision of peace. People today need peace. There is a need for peace at every level of our human existence. But Jesus keenly focuses on one area of peace, inner/spiritual peace, and this is the peace He gives to His people. Furthermore, this is a profound peace that is both the gift of God and the attribute of God. There is indeed a reservoir of peace for all those who truly trust and follow Christ. May the Lord give His peace to us all!
John 14:21-24, The Special Love of God
The special love of God is directed toward His people marked by their love for and obedience to Christ. Jesus elaborates on this special love for God’s special people. It is a self-disclosing love and it is a love of an eternal abode. What God shares with His people out of the overflow of His love for them is the spiritual and intimate knowledge of Himself and His eternal presence with them that abounds with His trinitarian love, His presence within and His presence without.
John 14:21-24, Do You Love the Lord?
Jesus speaks of the special love of God toward His people. This is the love characterized by Christ’s self-disclosure (14:21) and God’s eternal abode (14:23). But this promise is not given to all people, only to those who love Christ. This immediately raises a number of pivotal questions. What does it mean to love Christ? Why should anyone love Him? Who initiates and who reciprocates in this love relationship? Listen to find out the answers.
Exodus 20:12, Honor Your Mother
The LORD teaches us to honor our parents. In this special study of the fifth commandment on Mother’s Day, we give our attention to the honor of mothers. This command comes to us with the authority of the almighty God and as the pre-eminent moral issue for His people. To honor our mother is to properly recognize the unique position God has given to her and treat her with respect with this understanding. Praise God that there is atonement for sin in Christ where we have failed in the LORD in this regard! May our LORD evermore teach us to delight in and meditate upon His law that we may live fruitfully for His glory and honor.
Psalm 32:1-11 The Joy of Forgiveness
Psalm 32 tells us of the joy of forgiveness and restoration. David tells us of this joy through his personal testimony. When he was in the mire of his misery, he confessed to the LORD, and He abundantly forgave. But the LORD did more than this. He brought the forgiven man under His tutelage and directs him to the live in His ways. There is forgiveness for the sinner who repents. The Lord is ever ready to recieve and restore the repentant sinner.
Matthew 7:13-27, Enter through the Narrow Gate (Part 3)
Our beloved Lord warns us of the final pitfall of the false reception of His word. The Lord is fully aware of all the pitfalls that can hinder a proper response to His word. He thus speaks to us to guide us in the paths of righteousness and obedience to His commands. May the Holy Spirit evermore guard us against a dishonest response of indolence and inaction, and may He propel us toward an active practice of the words of our Savior and continuance in His narrow way.
Matthew 7:13-27, Enter through the Narrow Gate (Part 2)
The second pitfall to the narrow gate and way is the dangers of false profession. Jesus anticipates “many” will presumptuously expect Christ to know them, when all the while they did not honor HIm or treat Him as the Lord that He is. The Lord describes the lifestyle of all such people as lawlessness. Yes, true believers are a lawful, not lawless, people. The Lord also points out the devastating expectation of those who falsely professed faith in Him: banishment from God and everything good that comes from Him. May the Lord grant to us all the wisdom to take heed to this warning of our Lord so that we would all be ready for HIm as those readily known by Him when we must face Him on judgment day.