John 16:12-15, All the Truth

Jesus promises the Spirit who will guide His people into all the truth. This is all the truth we need for life and godliness in this, the church age, and it is given to us in the teachings of the apostles in the New Testament. We have this treasure trove of wisdom given to us in the Bible. But Jesus tells us more. The truth given to us for faith and practice comes from the overflow of the goodness of the triune God who forever exists in a community of unity, harmony, communication, and love. The truth we possess in our hands is the product of a heavenly conversation and cooperation.

John 16:10-11, The Conviction of the Holy Spirit: Concerning Righteousness and Judgment

The Holy Spirit’s conviction is not only about sin but also about righteousness of Christ and the judgment of Satan. With each of these additional convictions, the Holy Spirit draws the sinner to faith in Christ and to salvation in His name. It is the grace of God that brings a deep sense of guilt and need in the sight of God. This is how God draws repentant sinners to Christ and saves them from their sins.

John 16:7-9, The Conviction of the Holy Spirit: Regarding Sin

Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will bring conviction of sin upon the world. This is a boon for disciples show understand the Lord’s purpose for His world in this age. May we all have hearts that are in tune with the mission of our Lord that we be disciples and make disciples. Given the context in which Jesus spoke, He narrows the conviction for sin to the sin of unbelief. Unbelief is a serious matter in the sight of God, but there is great hope for those whom the Spirit convicts.

John 16:5-7, Jesus Promises the Helper

Jesus promises the Helper. To be without help is not what Jesus planned for His disciples. These whom He loved, shepherded, and guarded throughout His ministry years will not be left alone to fend for themselves. The Lord has been and continues to be their good shepherd. There are implications for us as to how Jesus has dealt with His disciples. He cares for us the same way. He sees our sorrows and He ensures that no suffering is for naught. He has sent His Holy Spirit (the “Alongsider”) to give us all that we need to fulfill the will of God for us in this age. This study kicks off another study on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

John 16:1-4, Jesus Our Guardian

The main idea of John 16 is best captured in the identity of Jesus as our Guardian. This idea is seen in vv 1-15 in that Jesus guards us from stumbling (vv 1-4a), from helplessness (vv 4b-11), and from ignorance (vv 12-15). In this first installment of our studies from John 16, we see how Jesus guards His disciples with His prescience (or foreknowledge) of their future persecution. Moreover, we see how Jesus also foretold us of the more general trials of life for His people (“tribulation” or “affliction” of 16:33). Amid all the trials of life, Jesus guards us from the greatest danger, the danger of falling away. He preserves His own to the very and He does so through means.

Isaiah 8:11-20, Stand Firm (Part 2)

We must stand firm on the word of God. The temptation to become like the world in what we say, what we fear, and what we hear are immense. The LORD speaks to Isaiah, the believers of his generation, and to us, to take this matter seriously and to not waver in our commitment and faithfulness to the word of God. The Holy Spirit’s aid is available to all who would humbly hear, believe, and abide in His truth. May the Lord heighten our spiritual alertness this year to stand up and stand firm on the word of God and be the influence we ought to be in this dark and dying world.

Isaiah 8:11-20, Stand Firm (Part 1)

The LORD knew that Isaiah would face the temptation to conform to the unbelieving world around him. Therefore, He spoke to exhort and admonish the prophet to resist conformity and to stand firm on the revelation He had given him. There is a wonderful lesson for us as we embark upon the New Year. We, too, must resist conformity to the world and remain faithful and steadfast in our commitment to the word of God. Stand firm on the word of God is the encouragement that we find in verses 11-15 and 19-20.

Isaiah 8:11-20, Stand Up

God made Isaiah and his sons into a witness for Him. They along with their God-given unique and prophetic names became the living testimony of the veracity of God’s word. Whom has God ordained to be the witnesses for His word in this day and age? This is the question we ponder in our study of Isaiah 8. May the Lord raise up a people to hold up and give testimony to His word for our generation.