Genesis 1-2, Good, Evil, and Seed (Part 1)

The goodness of God is evident in creation as it was originally made. Both in the product/generations of each day of creation week as well as in the paradise of the Garden of Eden, God showered upon man His blessed goodness. The human heart pines for restoration to such a paradise as this. God knows our longing and this nostalgia for good is the beginning of the story of the world seen from His eyes. How paradise was lost and how it is to be regained is what we will see in Gen. 3 next week.

Genesis 1-3, Good, Evil, and Seed (Intro)

This study introduces the book of Genesis in terms of its placement in the Pentateuch, its human author and immediate historical context, and its divine author (the Holy Spirit). We also give consideration to how Scripture should be interpreted, the topic of hermeneutics, its necessity and its proper method. The three principles of hermeneutics covered are: the centrality of Christ (sound interpretation must be christocentric), exegesis (it must be exegetical), and the analogy of Scripture and faith (it must be analogous).

John 16:23-27, The Blessings of Salvation (Part 1)

Jesus ends His long discourse on the night of His betrayal with the encouragement of three blessings of salvation for His disciples. The first of these is spiritual understanding. Once sin is paid for and the New Covenant established, the spiritual blessings of salvation became a reality for the disciples. They were behind the veil that kept them from the spiritual reality of this salvation. But once atonement was definitely accomplished, spiritual understanding was given to them. What can keep someone from living in the reality of these spiritual blessings when they sincerely believe? In this sermon, we explore what can get in the way of the spiritual understanding that Jesus promised.