God gives Jericho to Israel (Joshua 5:13 – 6:27)

God showed His power by stopping the Jordan river so that Joshua could lead Israel to walk across and into the promised land.  But that wasn’t the end of God showing His power.  Now, Joshua and the Israelites are in front of the city of Jericho, which was not an easy to defeat.  No one left the city and no one entered the city.  It had great big walls.  How were they going to even enter the city, let alone defeat it in battle?  Well, not with man’s power or anything man can do.  But only by God’s power.  Here, God came up with an interesting game plan which was for Israel to march around the city and blow trumpets for 6 days.  And on the 7th day to march around the city and blow trumpets 7 times and finally shout.  Would the Israelites obey God’s instructions and follow in His unusual plan, or would they just come up with their own plan (thinking they can come up with a plan better than God’s plan)?  Well, Israelites did obey God’s instructions.  Good thing they did because God’s plan came true.  God’s plans always comes true.  And God brought down the walls of Jericho, setting the stage for Israel to go in, attack, and defeat Jericho.