Israel rejects God as King (1 Samuel 8:1 - 12:25)

Samuel is old after judging Israel for many years and his sons are chosen by him to be judges over Israel.  Sadly, his sons choose to be evil and the Israelites are scared of the Ammonites who are now attacking them.  Instead of turning to God, who is their king, the Israelites ask for a king to be like all the other nations.  God allows this to happen, with a warning, and chooses Saul to be king over His people.  Saul fights against the Ammonites and wins with God’s help.  With this victory over the Ammonites, all of the people happily make Saul king.  Samuel then speaks to Israel, reminding them of what God did for them since Egypt and that they were wicked to want a king even though God was their king. He ends with an exhortation to fear and serve the Lord with all their heart and a warning that if they continue to be wicked, they will be swept away.