God Sees David's Heart (1 Samuel 16:1-23)

God has already chosen a king and sends Samuel to Bethlehem to anoint this person. This person was going to be one of Jesse's sons. When Samuel arrives and saw Eliab, he thought that this must be the one God chose. But he was wrong. God tells Samuel not to look at a person's outward appearance. God says that He doesn't see as man sees because He looks at the heart! Now, God did not choose any of seven of Samuel's sons and when Samuel asks, Jesse says that his youngest son hasn't come yet. When David came, God told Samuel that he was the one, so Samuel anointed David right then and there. God's Spirit came upon David mightily from that day. But, God’s Spirit left Saul and an evil spirit came instead and troubled Saul. Because of this, Saul's servants said that he should find someone to play the harp. Saul asks for David to come and David helped Saul because whenever he played, the evil spirit would depart.