God gives Solomon wisdom (1 Kings 2:1-4, 3:3-15)

King David is getting old and is going to die soon. But before he dies, he gives his son, Solomon, a charge (to fulfill his responsibility and job before God) to follow and obey God’s commandments as He wrote in the Bible. Solomon was not perfect. He’s human and a sinner just like you and me. But the Bible does say that Solomon loved God and followed and obeyed God. And God was pleased with Solomon here and wanted to give Solomon a gift, anything he would want. Instead of wanting more money or long life, Solomon thought about God’s people, the Israelites, and as king, wanted wisdom so that he could make wise decisions in leading Israel. God was pleased with this request and gave Solomon this wisdom. Only God could have done something like this. Only God (no one else) could have given Solomon wisdom. God is all wise and the source of wisdom, which is understanding good vs. evil and right vs. wrong, comes from God and what God says in His word.