Solomon’s prayer in the house for God (1 Kings 8:1 - 9:9)

Solomon completed the building of the house for God.  This fulfilled God’s plan which was for him (not his father, David) to build the house for God.  Then, they moved the Ark of the Covenant into the house for God so that it had a final place.  Like the tabernacle, God filled the house for God with the cloud, which showed God’s glory and presence with Solomon and His people, the Israelites.  All of this was quite an accomplishment.  And Solomon responded through prayer.  First, he praised God through his prayer.  Second, he asked God to hear the prayers of the Israelites in this house for God.  Third, Solomon prayed for God to forgive the Israelites when they sin.  Finally, Solomon prayed with humility in his posture to God, praying on his knees.  God responds and answers Solomon’s prayer but He also gave a warning to Solomon and the Israelites that if they do not obey His commandments, He will remove them from the promised land.