Jesus overcomes temptation (Luke 4:1-13)

Jesus was just baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Now, we find Jesus traveling through the wilderness (dry and hot desert) for 40 days. He’s hungry as he hasn’t eaten anything. And here, Satan comes into the picture to try to take advantage of Jesus’ vulnerable state by tempting him with 3 things. First, Satan tempts Jesus to use His powers to turn the stone into bread to fulfill his hunger. But Jesus refuses and uses God’s word to defeat Satan and his 1st temptation attempt. Second, Satan tempts Jesus to give Him all the kingdoms of the world if He would only worship him. But Jesus refuses and uses God’s word again to defeat Satan, pointing out that only God is to be worshipped. Finally, Satan tempts and challenges Jesus that if he’s God’s son that God will save and protect Him from falling off the cliff. And after already being defeated twice by Jesus (when Jesus used God’s word) in his earlier temptation attempts, Satan tries to use God’s word that God says the angels will protect Jesus. Satan incorrectly uses God’s word here. And Jesus refuses and correctly uses God’s word, pointing that we do not put God to the test.