Jesus is the King of Glory (Luke 9:27-36)

Jesus calls His followers to die to themselves, and shows that He is the example to follow - living and ultimately giving His life to God’s plan. He tells them that some will see the Kingdom of God. Jesus takes Peter, John and James up to the mountain to pray, and while there, Jesus is transfigured; that is, His face becomes different and He has a gleaming and bright appearance like no other. During this, Moses and Elijah are present, and they speak with Jesus about His upcoming death in Jerusalem, as Jesus Himself had before explained to the disciples. A cloud comes over them, and a voice then says to the disciples, “This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!” God has spoken to show that Jesus alone is the chosen, glorious King of the God’s kingdom to come, God’s very own Son. And so, we must listen to and serve the King, Jesus!